Some wild kangarooos (: were really quite close...then there was this male kangaroo, i think the leader, and then he was really defensive and he stood up n stared at all the ppl walking past... was quite scary looking... but the last one was really innocent and cute...he came the nearest to us haha =P

Venus Baths loop and some lookout point at the Grampians...really liked it here...so beautiful (= and the weather was nice (: Me on the "cliff" lol....

Some really pretty flowers....the 2nd one was on my jeans and i took it in a MOVING car hahas...The 1st one has 2 dif. kinds of flowers on the same plant (:

rock formations near the 12 apostles....and the last one is really some of the 12 apostles... lol....cool right?
ok im going to post more pics in fb cos downlaoding is slow here ;(